Developing Unique University Characteristics

Education of Fish Eating Culture
  • Through the tea & coffee making and tea party planning, we activated the learning motivation of students from Jhih-Cing junior high school. We also played as an assistant to help students in organizing their own tea party, which give all participators from NPU a great honor and the sense of participation. This project also earned recognition from the principal of Jhih-Cing junior high school.
  • Food and drink are essential part of our daily life. The “International cooking” is a course try to explore contemporary cooking skills and diet culture among the world. By demonstrating making procedures of international classical food, we successfully trigger student’s learning motivation in making exotic cuisine. Students were also encouraged and guide to collect and re-organize cooking materials of their interesting. We expect that our students can have their own interpretation and thinking of the exotic cuisine both in the skills and culture aspects.
  • We also try to teach students recognize food in their hometown and is able to accept, appreciate foods and drinks from other countries. We hope our students can create a new dishes that combine local ingredients and can be widely accept by our civilians.
最後異動時間:2023-10-26 下午 04:57:10
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