Developing Unique University Characteristics

Development of Low Carbon Green Island
CPC Miss. Tsai introduces APO organization and Southeast Asian market experience
Teachers and students of the elementary school learn solar car production
  • The main purpose is to explore and develop the control system and brake system of the wind turbine based on practical topic teaching.
  • The research results are published in research papers on renewable energy conference.
  • We conduct 14 green energy teaching visits, one green energy integration system product symposium, and one renewable energy industry technical lecture, involving a total of 535 participants.
  • We supervised a total of 3 masters, and their research results have been sorted into "Development of Solar Energy Aeration Equipment", "Performance Test and Research of 4kW and 600W Wind Turbines", the papers published in the 16th Republic of Taiwan Power Electronics Conference.
The renewable energy industry technical lecture
Visit the NPU small wind turbine exhibition room.
Visit the NPU small wind turbine park.
最後異動時間:2023-10-26 下午 05:31:55
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